Common Tips to Be Considered Before Reserving Your Dumpster
Plan ahead as much as possible to correctly select the right dumpster size. You should take into consideration the type of project you are working on or the amount of bulk waste you are looking to dispose of. This is very important to keep the cost down. If you overfill your rental you will be charged overage fees and if you rent a size that is larger than you need you will be wasting money, so select a size that will best suit your disposal needs.
How long will you need the dumpster? A day? A week? Longer? If you are planning a garage clean out or removing brush you may only need the dumpster for the day. However, if you are working on a larger project, you may need the dumpster for a longer period of time. Always inquire about the rental period and any fees associated with keeping the dumpster longer.
Look for any hanging wires or obstacles above the dumpster location that could cause potential issues when delivering or removing the dumpster. There should be at least 22 feet of free space above the dumpster. Also, make sure that there will be enough space around the dumpster so that workers will be able to easily access it to add debris.
Think about how far away the dumpster location is from the job site and how frequently you will need to utilize the dumpster. If it is too far away then you will have to walk a long distance every time you throw something away. Also, make sure the location where you would like the dumpster placed is an adequate area to fit the dumpster comfortably. For a residential project you will want to place the dumpster on a level area with easy access like a drive way.
When you are filling the dumpster, it is important to break things down as much as you can. Put bulkier items at the bottom. Place trash around them to fill in any extra space. If you are getting rid of cardboard, foam or small flat items, you can place them at the bottom of the dumpster as they will break down and will not cost much extra room.
Some cities require a permit before you can place the dumpster on city property (the street) or on private property (your driveway). It’s best if you contact your local city administration office before you rent a dumpster.